الأحد، 29 مارس 2009

برنامج ACDSee 10 Photo Manager 10.0 Build 238 , تحميل برنامج

مستعرض الصور ACDSee Photo Manager استعراض الصور, بدون شك الجميع يعرف هذا البرنامج الرائع فى تحرير الصور واستعراضها بمزايه رهيبه لذلك هذا البرنامج يعد من أفضل البرامج فى مجاله لسرعته وسهولة استخدامه ولتعامله مع جميع صيغ الملفات المرئيه مثلا : JPEG, BMP, GIF, PSD, PNG, TIFF, TGA, RAW NEF, CRW, ويدعم حوالى 100 صيغه ومنها الصيع التى ذكرتها ..ويمكنك مع هذا البرنامج ان تحرر صور وتحفظ حقوق النشر من اى نقل او اى تعدى على حقوق الملكيه لصورك ويمكن الشرح به على الصور وأفادة اخوانك بمنتدانا منتدى الأبداع والتميز ...والبرنامج به مجموعه من الفلاتر الرائع التى تبهرك بالتعامل معها لتحسين جودة الصوره او وضع تأثيرات جماليه عليها ويمكنك عمل ألبوم خاص بك ووضع مجموعه من الصور واستعرضها فى اى وقت لأحق هذا البرنامج يعد افضل البرامج فى مجاله فعلا ويستحق التجربه وسعر البرنامج

برنامج ,تحميل برامج Fullscreen Photo Viewer 1.2

Fullscreen Photo Viewer مستعرض صور بطريقة مميزة وجديدة يقوم هذا البرنامج بأستعراض الصور بنقاوة عالية جدا high-resolution برنامج مميز بأمكانيات رائعة جدا فقط تقوم بأختيار الصور المطلوب وسوف يقوم البرنامج بأستعراض هذه الصور بطريقة اكثر من مميزة وبنقاوة لامثيل لها يعرض هذا البرنامج الصور بكامل الشاشة Fullscreen برنامج صغير ومجاني لأستعراض الصور أمكانياته بسيطة لكن جميل جدا لأستعراض الصور سواء في حاسوبك او أقراص CD او DVD ويمكنك تشغيل البرنامج من دون تنصيبه ولا يقوم بأنزال اي ملفات في سجيل النظام وهذا مايميز هذا البرنامج الصغير والجميل عن باقي البرامج

برنامج,تحميل برنامج FastPictureViewer

برنامج FastPictureViewer سهل الأستخدام لتصفح الصور بسرعة كبيرة يعتبر هذا البرنامج من الأداة القوية جدا لتصفح الصور يتميز البرنامج بصغر حجمه ويقوم بعرض الصور بملئ الشاشة fullscreen او عرضها بنافذة ويندوز adjustable window هذا البرنامج يساعدكم بتسريع عملية تصفح الصور يتميز برنامج Fastpictureviewer بواجهة بسيطة وجميلة جدا وسهلة التعامل يستطيع البرنامج أن يعرض صور كثيرة جدا بمقاسات صغيرة لتسهيل عملية تصفح الصور ومشاهدة صورك بكل سهولة يساعدك البرنامج على العمل بسرعة كبيرة والأستفادة من معالجات multi-core / multi-processor لأداء السريع والمميز برنامج بأمكانيات رائعة يستحق التجربة

برنامج , تحميل برنامج Advanced Image Viewer

Advanced Image Viewer مستعرض للصور يتميز بسرعة كبيرة وبصغر حجم البرنامج يمكنك الأستفادة من مفعول هذا البرنامج بعرض صورك بكبسة زر. تخلى عن مستعرض الصور الخاص بالويندوز الذي لايحتوي على قليل من الأدوات وكذالك بطئ بتصفح الصور واستعراضها تمتع بمشاهدة صورك وتصفحها من خلال هذا العملاق المميز يتميز البرنامج بسهولة الأستخدام بواجهة بسيطة ومميزة يمكن التعامل معاها حتى من قبل مستخدم مبتدئ. يدعم برنامج أستعراض صيغ الصور JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG, PSD, TIF, PCX, TGA, WBMP, PCD, WMF, EMF, ICO يدعم البرنامج كذالك عمل زوووم على صورة وقلب الصور Zoom and rotate your images. ويدعم أنشاء معرض لصورك الرقمية برنامج مميز يستحق التجربة

برنامج,تحميل برنامج FastView32 2.0 Beta 2

FastView32 أستعراض وتصفح صور JPG, BMP, WMF, EMF, ICO, DIB, TEXT من خلال هذا البرنامج الذي لايتجاوز حجمه 70 كيلو بايت يمكنك تصفح صورك بسرعة كبيرة ويدعم البرنامج أغلب صيغ الصور ويوفر لك الوقت لتصفح صورك ويعتبر البديل الأفضل للمتصفحات الثقيله جدا. ومن أهم مميزات البرنامج يدعم البرنامج السحب والأسقاط للملف داخل البرنامج Supports Drag and Drop. يمكن البرنامج انشاء صفحات هتميل للصور Generate HTML Image Tags. انشاء خرائط للصور Create Image Maps. اشرطة التحكم بالصور الكبيرة Scroll Bars on large images. يدعم البرنامج تغيير صورة الخلفية بسهولة برنامج بالفعل مميز ويمتلك الكثير من مميزات رغم صغر حجم البرنامج

برنامج,تحميل برنامج Universal Viewer (ATViewer) Pro 3.4.1

دائما مانحمل ملفات وبعد فك الضغط تطلع ملفات مانقدر نفتحها لان البرنامج Universal Viewer ATViewer الذي يفتحها ليس موجود في الكميوتر وبدل ان تذهب للبحث عن الاف البرامج لتفتح ملف وفي النهايه يطلع الملف كلام فاضي وتقول في نفسك ياخسارة الوقت الي ضيعته هذا البرنامج ماستر كي يفتح اي ملف حتى ملفات الميديا والفلاش الصور المستندات يعني سبع صنايع والبخت مش ضايع حتى ملفات الاوفيس كثير لايحتاجون اصلا للأوفيس لكن تجيهم مستندات بالوورد او غيرة ويركب البرنامج الذي اصبحت مساحته بعد الابديت الاخير واحد قيقا ويستطيع ايضافتح ملفات الخطوط والجرافيك برنامج مميز يالفعل يستحق التجربة

برنامج,تحميل برنامج Vjpeg

برنامج Vjpeg أستعراض الصور image viewe برنامج بسيط يمكنه أستعراض الصور بشكل جميل جدا دعك من البرامج ثقيلة الحجم حيث من خلال هذا البرنامج وبكبسة زر يمكنك أستعراض صورك ويمكنك تصغير حجم الصور بكل سهولة من خلال البرنامج يمتلك واجهة بسيطة ورائعة جدا والأهم من ذالك البرنامج يعد مجاني ويمكنك أستخدام مدة الحياة دون الحاجة ألى شراءه ويبلغ حجم البرنامج تقريبا 138 كيلو بايت ويعمل على جميل انظمة ويندوز

الأحد، 22 مارس 2009

شيفروليه سبارك»... ملامح واعدة

تمثل شيفروليه سبارك الجديدة بالكامل، التي كشف النقاب عنها للمرة الأولى خلال معرض جنيف، سيارة صغيرة مصممة لتحمل تعابير كبيرة. فهي كبيرة في أناقتها، وفي كفاءة استهلاكها للوقود، وعلى غرار بقية سيارات شيفروليه التي تحمل شعار ربطة العنق الذهبية، هي كبيرة في تجهيزاتها وقيمتها في مقابل ثمنها

أمان أكيد مع «ساب 3 - 9»

حازت مجموعة سيارات طراز عام 2009 من عائلة ساب 3-9 بأكملها، والتي تتضمن السيدان الرياضية وسبورت كومبي ذات الأبواب الخمسة والمكشوفة ذات البابين، على جائزة معهد التأمين للسلامة على الطرق العامة IIHS في الولايات المتحدة، لفئة السيارات متوسطة الحجم.

«جاغوار XFR» فاخرة ومتطورة بمعاييرعريقة

تذكرون بداية العام الماضي عندما أطلقت جاغوار طراز XF الذي خطف الأنظار بسرعة البرق، وحقق مبيعات تخطت عتبة الـ30 ألف وحدة خلال سنة واحدة. وقد اعتبره المراقبون عنصراً أساسياً في تجديد علامة جاغوار التجارية

إطلاق هوندا جاز 2009 الجديدة كلياً فما رأيكم بهذه السيارة؟

كان الجيل الأول من جاز (Jazz) قد طرح للمرة الأولى عام 2001 ويتم إنتاجه اليوم في 6 مصانع بخمس دول، وحقق ذلك الجيل مبيعات تربو على 2 مليون سيارة في 115 دولة مما يعكس مدى شعبية سيارة جاز (Jazz) في العالم وبين مجموعات مختلفة من العملاء

شركة سيارات سيات تكشف عن ليون والتيا مع تعديل بسيط

أعلنت شركة سيات الأسبانية لصناعة السيارات أنها ستكشف فى معرض جنيف للسيارات الذى سيقام خلال شهر مارس الجارى عن الجيل الجديد من سيارتيها (ليون ) و(ألتيا ). السيارتين يظهر فيهما تعديل لشكل مقدمة السيارة لتصبح أقرب إلى شكل "السهم

"باناميرا" أول تجربة لـ "بورش" في عالم السيدان

كشفت بورش عن المزيد من التفاصيل المتعلقة بسيارتها الجديدة "باناميرا" والمنتظر أن يكون أول ظهور رسمي لها من خلال معرض شنغهاي للسيارات الشهر المقبل

رانج روفر بملامح رياضية

بعد إعلان "لاند روفر" عن عزمها على الانتقال بطراز "ال ار اكس" الاختباري ذو التصميم المتميز إلى مرحلة الانتاج تحت شعار "رانج روفر",
أكد مدير تسويق الشركة البريطانية بمنطقة أمريكا الشمالية كريس مارشاند أن لضمان نجاح ذلك الطراز فإن هناك حاجة أيضا لطرح فئة منه مزودة بخمسة أبواب بجانب الطراز المرتقب ذو الأبواب الثلاثة

الأحد، 8 مارس 2009

2009 BMW M5

The 2009 M5 is a 4-door, 5-passenger luxury sports sedan, available in one trim only, the Sedan.

Upon... read more introduction, the M5 is equipped with a standard 5.0-liter, V10, 500-horsepower engine that achieves 11-mpg in the city and 17-mpg on the highway. A 7-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard, and a 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive is optional.

The 2009 M5 is a carryover from 2008

2009 BMW M3

The 2009 M3 is a 2- or 4-door, up to 5-passenger luxury sports coupe, convertible sports car, or luxury sports... read more sedan, available in 3 trims, ranging from the Sedan to the Convertible.

Upon introduction, the Sedan is equipped with a standard 4.0-liter, V8, 414-horsepower engine that achieves 14-mpg in the city and 20-mpg on the highway. The Convertible is equipped with a standard 4.0-liter, V8, 414-horsepower engine that achieves 13-mpg in the city and 20-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard on both trims, and a 7-speed manual transmission is optional.

The 2009 M3 is a carryover from 2008.

2009 BMW 6 Series

The 2009 6 Series is a 2-door, 4-passenger luxury sports car, or convertible sports car, available in two... read more trims, the 650i Coupe and the 650i Convertible.

Upon introduction, the 650i Coupe is equipped with a standard 4.8-liter, V8, 360-horsepower engine that achieves 15-mpg in the city and 22-mpg on the highway. The 650i Convertible is equipped with a standard 4.8-liter, V8, 360-horsepower engine that achieves 14-mpg in the city and 21-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard on both trims, and a 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is optional.

The 2009 6 Series is a carryover from 2008.

2009 BMW 5 Series

The 2009 5 Series is a 4-door, 5-passenger luxury sedan, luxury sports sedan, or luxury wagon, available in... read more 6 trims, ranging from the 528i Sedan to the 550i Sedan.

Upon introduction, the 528i Sedan is equipped with a standard 3.0-liter, I6, 230-horsepower engine that achieves 18-mpg in the city and 28-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard, and a 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is optional. The 550i Sedan is equipped with a standard 4.8-liter, V8, 360-horsepower engine that achieves 15-mpg in the city and 22-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard, and a 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is optional.

The 2009 5 Series is a carryover from 2008.

2009 BMW 3 Series Sedan

The 2009 3 Series Sedan is a 4-door, 5-passenger luxury sports sedan, available in 5 trims, ranging from the... read more 328i to the 335d.

Upon introduction, the 328i is equipped with a standard 3.0-liter, I6, 230-horsepower engine that achieves 18-mpg in the city and 28-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard, and a 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is optional. The 335d is equipped with a standard 3.0-liter, I6, 265-horsepower, turbo, diesel engine that achieves 22-mpg in the city and 33-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is standard.

The 2009 3 Series Sedan is reskinned for 2009.

2009 BMW 3 Series Coupe

The 2009 3 Series Coupe is a 2-door, 4-passenger luxury sports coupe, available in 4 trims, ranging from the... read more 328i to the 335xi.

Upon introduction, the 328i is equipped with a standard 3.0-liter, I6, 230-horsepower engine that achieves 18-mpg in the city and 28-mpg on the highway. The 335xi is equipped with a standard 3.0-liter, I6, 300-horsepower, turbo engine that achieves 16-mpg in the city and 25-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard on both trims, and a 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is optional.

The 2009 3 Series Coupe is a carryover from 2008.

2009 BMW 1 Series

The 2009 1 Series is a 2-door, 4-passenger luxury sports coupe, or luxury convertible, available in 4 trims,... read more ranging from the 128i Coupe to the 135i Convertible.

Upon introduction, the 128i Coupe is equipped with a standard 3.0-liter, I6, 230-horsepower engine that achieves 18-mpg in the city and 28-mpg on the highway. The 135i Convertible is equipped with a standard 3.0-liter, I6, 300-horsepower, turbo engine that achieves 17-mpg in the city and 26-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard on both trims, and a 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is optional.

The 2009 1 Series is a carryover from 2008.

الأحد، 1 مارس 2009

the 2010 BMW 5-Series Gran Touring,

BMW seems to be hell-bent on creating cars that no one asked for.
After the X6 and the X1, the latest example is the 2010 BMW 5-Series
Gran Touring, to be shown at the 2009 Geneva Auto Show in
near-production concept form. As with many previous BMW concepts,
the confused car-crossover is a done deal for production.

2010 BMW 5-Series GT

There isn’t much to say about this abomination, other than it
seems to share nothing with the 5-Series except for its platform and
mechanicals, all under the skin. It seems to be taller than a normal
sedan, but seats only four. The cargo hatch can either open halfway
like that of a sedan, or fully like a liftback. The rear seats can
fold down to increase cargo volume, although it obviously has less
space than a 5-Series wagon.

2010 BMW 5-Series GT

It is safe to say that BMW has a flop on its hands.

2010 Mercedes-Benz E-Class sedan

2010 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coupe

After the less-than-satisfying reveal of the 2010 Mercedes-Benz E-Class sedan,
debuting at the 2009 Geneva Auto Show will be the 2010 E-Class Coupe, replacing
and effectively killing off the CLK model line

صور Rolls-Royce 200EX


Rolls-Royce has released brief details and photos of its smaller new ‘RR4′
model. Dubbed the 200EX for now, the baby Rolls-Royce seen here is still in
concept form, but the final production version should be almost the same as this
one, with a traditional name. And it is still a very large full-size car

2010 Hyundai Equus صور

2010 Hyundai Equus

The 2010 Hyundai Equus supersized luxury sedan has been previewed in Korea, with
early photos revealed on the web. Hyundai also says that plans are underway to
see if the Equus will be sold in international markets

The Brabus G V12 S Biturbo

Brabus G V12 S Biturbo

Mercedes-Benz tuning specialist Brabus has gone ahead and created, according to
them, the most powerful offroader ever. The Brabus G V12 S Biturbo, based on the
G-Wagen, is exclusively available in 5-door form, and is powered by a BRABUS
SV12 S engine, as found in the German tuner’s super-sedans

صور 2010 Toyota Camry


The 2010 Toyota Camry will be out in the GCC by summer. The Camry models that
come here are built in Australia, and now, that factory will add a hybrid model
to their line-up. To celebrate the hybrid version of the Camry, Toyota Australia
created this one-off concept for the 2009 Melbourne Auto Show, called the HC-CV

Hummer H3T صور


Apparently we are among the first people to test-drive the Hummer H3T in the
UAE. I drove it all over Dubai on the first morning, which involved embarrassing
parallel parking incidents. Anyway, I had decided to do a proper off-road test
on another day, and handed over the truck to my PR guy. He promptly returned it
to me the next day, with a broken alloy wheel, a sandy interior, and a number of
disabled electronics. Never let amateurs go camping with your 4X4

صور The 2009 Ford Fiesta

Ford Fiesta

The 2009 Ford Fiesta has just hit the GCC market, and to celebrate, Ford dealers
in Dubai are offering 24 special-edition models, with each one sporting a unique

صور Bentley

Bentley Continental Supersports

Set to debut at the 2009 Geneva Auto Show, the Bentley Continental Supersports
is being touted as the fastest and most powerful Bentley ever created. Based on
the Continental GT, this extreme Bentley gets more power, loses some weight and
seats only two. Set to go on sale by late 2009, the Supersports can also run on
the E85 petrol-ethanol fuel available in America, thereby touting some dubious
green credentials

Tramontana R V12 صور

Tramontana R

The world is flooded with tiny companies building numerous forgettable exotic
cars. But a European outfit called Tramontana is one company that has come up
with something truly original. Their creation is called, simply, the Tramontana
R Edition

صور Chevrolet Traverse


So we got a brand-spanking-new 2009 Chevrolet Traverse from the General. We were
told that we were at the top of the list for this one, although seeing many of
these on the streets beforehand suggests otherwise. Either way, I knew it was
going to be a good-looking vehicle. It really looks like a premium-branded
vehicle, appearing much more classy than bulldogs like the Audi Q7 and the
Mercedes-Benz GL, none of which will ever realistically touch a grain of sand.
It looked good enough for my PR guy to start leaving drool-stains on the bonnet

صور Peugeot 407

The last time we drove a Peugeot 407, it was 2005, and it was our
second ever official test car. It was a 2.0-litre version, and while
we didn’t do performance tests back then, it didn’t take a
rocket-scientist to figure out that it was a slow car. Fast-forward
to 2009, and the 407 has received a tiny facelift, and this time we
got a 2.2-litre version. It really is a better car.


Four years after its release, the 407 still manages to look
different from the crowd. Just look at how many cars have pointy
headlights now, including our Chevy Traverse tester. And yet, the
407 retains its special feline looks, with a bumper-mounted grille
and long front-end.


It is impossible to spot the changes up front. I believe there is
possibly a bit more chrome on the grille. Maybe the rubber
side-strips have been painted. But largely, the car is unchanged.
And the front doors remain huge.


The rear simply has white indicator lamps instead of red ones in
the previous model.


Our tester’s interior looked interesting, going for a unique
gloss-black centre-console design. Combined with the tan interior
and wood trim, the entire setup looked classy, especially thanks to
generous use of premium materials. The multimedia/nav screen had an
attractive graphical interface too.


Like any of today’s midsizers, the luggage boot area is generous,
but a Peugeot specialty is big gloveboxes, and the 407 is no
exception. A few large water-bottles can be stuffed in there. And
even the glovebox cover has soft-touch materials on it.


The coupe-like styling results in rear space comparable to that
of some growing compact cars. Today’s oversized Japanese midsize
sedans offer more space.

صور bmw X6

By Mashfique Hussain Chowdhury

After ages spent on the waiting list, we finally got our hands on a BMW X6. The version home-delivered to us also happened to be the xDrive50i version, powered by a 4.4-litre twin-turbo V8, if we remember correctly. BMW’s new naming convention is too confusing. Either way, we managed to park it right next to some random X5, so the differences between the two models became all the more clearer. And thus began our test of the loved/hated X6, both on-road and off-road.


I may have smeared the X6 before, but only because it’s a vehicle no one asked for. Actually having the keys to one made me appreciate the flamboyance of this “Sport Activity Coupe” more.


The front end is very similar to the X5, and yet, differs by way of bumper and lighting details. By the end of our four-day test, the white paint was covered in badly-splattered dead bugs. No doubt, we killed a few every time we accelerated full-throttle.


Its insect-killing abilities are due to the amazing 4.4-litre twin-turbo V8 under the bonnet, although the only indication of the engine is a small badge on the door that says nothing but “xDrive50i,” which doesn’t mean anything to the average person. It sure delivered though, as we almost matched BMW’s advertised 0-100 kph time. No excuses here, unlike the Infiniti FX50


We had certain preconceptions about how impractical the X6 is, with that chopped roof. But front passengers will not encounter any issues. Indeed, the only issue I had was that the driver’s seat didn’t go high enough, leading to a car-like sitting position. The seat-backs are the highest we’ve ever seen, with unique headrests that fold along the sides to hold the head like a glove.


The entire front seats are power-adjustable, including the headrests and thigh-supports. Conspicuously, there were no butt-cooling fans, which even the cheaper Infiniti FX had.


Surprisingly, for average-sized midgets like us, the rear seats were perfectly spacious. In fact, there is much more useable legroom than the Infiniti FX. Headroom would only be an issue for very tall people.


Even more amazingly, cargo room may be chopped off but the floor area is still very big and flat. With total cargo volume almost as much as the Infiniti, the BMW again gives the FX a run for its brownie-points when it comes to practicality.


The X6 also gets all the fancy features that are in other BMW models, including the joystick gear-shifter, the iDrive computer, and a heads-up display.


And special cabin touches such as the two-piece glove-box cover, reddish-brown upholstery and black-patterned metal trim make sure you get an interior worthy of your money.


On-road, let’s just say I was more comfortable pushing this to its limits on public roads than I was with the Jaguar XK-R! More driving impressions will be in the upcoming full review.


So far, we found out that the X6 drives like a sports car, is as practical as a midsize sedan, and has more gadgets than an Apple store. If it also conquered the dunes, I would’ve slapped this abomination onto my http://www.drivearabia.com/editorschoice.html">Recommended List for sure.


Bringing the tyre pressure down to 17 psi, I and my semi-expert off-roading buddy went onto the sands of Lahbab, among desert-safari Land Cruisers, private Land Cruisers, and other Land Cruisers. The tyres didn’t even look deflated, considering they are super-hard run-flats. We were moving along fine for a while, as the powerful V8 and the wide tyres were doing rather well on very mild slopes, as long as you keep moving. Then my buddy stopped on a soft spot, and the X6 just sank. A proper-tyred 4×4 wouldn’t sink that easily. Thankfully, we didn’t damage the plastic underbody plates, designed more for aerodynamics rather than rock-defence. With no low-range gearing, there was no other choice but to start digging, as playing with the throttle was making the hollow alloys sink further.


A few desert-safari guys stopped over, helped us drop the stiff tyres to 10 psi, dug the ground some more, and one squiggled the steering wheel. Then with someone at the wheel, altogether me, my buddy, two desert-safari guys, a white tourist and his 10-year-old kid all pushed and finally drove the car out, while other tourists took photos. It was a fun time, in good weather too. It was also funny when a desert-safari guy kept looking for the non-existent “4-LOW” button.


The V8-powered X6 is an amazing piece of engineering. Stories suggest that it can lap the N’ring track in 8:54 minutes, half-a-minute slower than a Porsche Cayman S and obliterating the Porsche Cayenne GTS by 7 seconds. I just wish BMW went all the way and turned it into something truly spectacular off the tarmac too